Saturday, July 3, 2010

So I am Here and It Is Hot

This is the last thing I saw before I left L.A.; perfect.
My lay over in Montreal was spent in silence watching the penalty kick round of the Uruguay v. Ghana World Cup game.  
After getting lost twice on buses and the Metro I finally found my dorm, which is in the middle of nowhere.  About 15 minutes from Barcelona -- this is what the middle of nowhere in Catalonia looks like -- Barcelona is just over that mountain.

Here is my dorm.  Not very quaint looking I know, but it is cheap and perfect for what I need for these first few weeks.

Did I mention that it is hot?  I grew up in Southern California where it is not uncommon for it to be 95 degrees for weeks on end.  I have been to New York and Washington D.C. in the summer time, when it is so humid your clothes stick to you.  I cannot describe the heat in Barcelona except for still, humid, and hot.  This is Africa hot.  I have never been to Africa, but I am gonna say that it is as hot as it is in Africa and I now understand the siesta, which I am going to take right now.

Hasta luego.

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