Monday, July 19, 2010

A Movie and A Fortress

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in July they show films at the old fortress in Montjuic.  Montjuic (or Jewish Mountain -- called so because of a Jewish cemetery there) is in the eastern part of Barcelona, next to the sea and is a large mountain that towers over the city (although it is not the city's largest mountain).  This is where most of the 1992 Olympics were held so, there is the Olympic stadium and pools.  There are also many museums: the Joan Miro museum, Poble Espanyol -- where the 1929 Universal Exhibition was held, etc.  There is also a large fortress that the Spanish built in the 18th century when they finally conquered Catalunya.  They were so afraid of an uprising from the Barcelonins that they built a fortress to protect themselves.  This is where the movies are projected each night.
View of the city from Montjuic at sunset.

Picnic in the park.  Movie in the background!
Music before the movie.
Hubo muchas personas.  For only 5 Euros, why not enjoy a movie at an abandoned fortress?
La puesta del sol.
Shadows on the wall.
La peli empiece!! (Guy Ritchie's RocknRolla). 
Barca at night.  Me encanta.  Buenas. . .noches.

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