Sunday, July 18, 2010

So, I Accidentally Went to Gay Pride

I already posted a blog about beautiful Sitges, but I did not mention that we went on the day that it was Sitges Gay Pride.  Sitges has a huge gay population and is a major gay destination worldwide so, naturally, they have a gay pride.  We did not know this when we got to the city last Saturday, but we enjoyed the music, the costumes, and the vino rosado.  By the way, gay marriage is legal in Spain and constitutes 2% of all marriages in the country.  They also recently lifted restrictions for gay couples to adopt children.  Get with the program Estados Unidos!!!
Gay Pride es aqui!
Gay pride es ciertamente aqui.  Anyone care for a matinee?
The love was everywhere . . .
as were the amazing costumes.  She is so poised in the heat!
Those boots in 85% humidity, now that is commitment.
It is not as big as Long Beach Pride, but it is packed enough.
I just have no words for this one.
Safe sex!
For your reference, you can buy condoms and vibrators in every vending machine in and around Barcelona.
The End.

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