Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sarah in Sarria

Sarria is by far my favorite neighborhood in Barcelona.  Well, it is not exactly in Barcelona proper; it is just over the mountain, which is the gateway to Barcelona.  In Barca you can see the amazing museums, the beautiful modernist buildings, and experience the true hustle-bustle of a city.  It is like any other big city you would go to for the culture and the energy, but the special, ancient, Mediterranean feeling that I was looking for is in Sarria.
Start off the day at school (UAB Sant Pau Casa de Convelencias).  I should say, start off the day on the metro (an hour long ride each morning).
Proceed directly to wine and tapas.
 Get on nice, clean, air-conditioned metro.
 Arrival in beautiful Sarria.  Instantly I felt at home.
 Lovely, lovely Mediterranean architecture.
 17th century placeta.
 They eat frutas y verduras en Sarria!
 Don't worry, I found pork products.  Day 4, pork sighting 1,523.
The children in Barcelona are total characters and they are so very, very cute.
There are amazing colors everywhere and . . .
the quirkiness of this place makes it so charming.

  And remember, "In Barcelona, everything fits, but not anything goes."

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