Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lost in Translation

I got lost today, about 6 times.  I still got to see the beautiful and amazing things I wanted to see, except my feet feel like they got run over by a truck (and then hit by a train and then attacked by mountain lions), I sweat away 10 pounds (not bad), and I am so tired I opted to have a bag of chips rather than make a salad for dinner.  Here is (most) everything I saw.
I saw Bob.

I saw the hero of the moment in Spain, David Villa.
 I took this photo in the Barrio Gotic -- it was my favorite of the day.
I was not trying to take a picture of this guy; I wanted a picture of the beautiful Gothic architecture.

I want this in my house.
 I was told I could not come in the cathedral because my shoulders were exposed.  I guess I understand this strictness since the Spanish invented the inquisition, being forbidden to enter a cathedral in a tank top seems a pretty mild rule compared to others they have.
 I had to take this picture.
I overheard an America tell a Spanish person that Christopher Columbus was a dick.  Here is his monument in Barcelona!  It is called the "Sight of Columbus."  We must learn different things in history class.
I saw what looked like koi fish in Barcelona harbor.  The Mediterranean is so blue and clear.
I found my language school.  For some reason it is in the old wing of Barcelona's most prestigious hospital: Sant Pau.
I had ice cream for lunch.
 I went to Parc Guell and I cried.  First off because it is the first thing I remember loving about art history -- 10 years ago.
Second, I could not believe this gorgeous view of the city.

 I had the worst glass of wine I have ever had in my life: totally rancid.  The benefits were I got to sit for an hour (because I got lost after going to Parc Guell) and I learned how to say Rose wine in Spanish: una copa de vino rosado.  Now I need to learn how to say: "no rancid wine please."
I also learned that Spanish people really do walk around with fans.
I also learned that almost every food product is related to pork in some way.  For example, my delicious dinner.  
Es increíble; me gusta Barcelona.

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