Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bailo Mucho

I go dancing at least twice a week and that means I have to stay up until at least 5am twice a week -- oh, Barcelona!
Lots of roses, pre-baila.
Dancing with wonderful friends makes it even more fun (oh, the cava helps too).
Dancing until 5am. . .
is easier after 4 mojitos.
Being in Europe would not be the same without ubiquitous over-priced, techno club (5 Euro for a bottle of water).
Armin van Buuren -- so techno, uhn-tiss, uhn-tiss. . ."Yes, Dieter, I am going to Copenhagen, well, because everybody is going to Copenhagen."
Total unaffected by the smoke and the heat (yeah, right).

And there is Closure. . .dancing in the 1929 International Exhibition building dedicated to Majorca.  I did that.  Yes, yes.

Did I mention this is the best thing I have ever done and the people are the nicest and best I have ever met?  I hope you can see the fun.  Oh yeah, and this is over the span of a few weeks; it is not one night!

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