Monday, July 5, 2010

Sagrado Jamon

I had my first day of school today and besides getting lost (again) on the way and having muy malo reading comprehension, I had a great day listening to the Valencian Jose-Luis.  After school I had a spinach salad, with ham. Then I had an empanadilla with ham.  I had two glasses of wine and was surprised there was no ham in them.

After a ham-filled almuerzo, I took a long walk to the Sagrada Familia, the masterpiece of modernismo architecture by Antonio Gaudi.  Gaudi never finished the building, but the Barcelonins swore to complete the project.  That was over 100 years ago.  They are still at work.
These are images of the newer, modern facade. 
The tympanum with the crucifixion and the passion.
The old facade with "La Sagrada Familia."
 Details of the lizard and snake gargoyles.
 View of the cathedral from Carrer de Gaudi.
An American monument across from the Sagrada Familia.  You're welcome Barcelona.  Thank god I found some good food in this city. 
Anyone need some jamon?  This is only a third of the selection at my local market. 
My feet after a nice long walk through the city. 

The end.

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